Your Legislative Intelligence Partner

Sage by Seer is your AI-powered policy manager, assistant, researcher, marketer, email responder, fact checker, and so much more.


Navigate complex government landscapes, identify opportunities, influence outcomes, and lead markets with your newest teammate: Sage.

Sage works where you work — right from your email inbox.

How it works.

Say goodbye to hours of manual research and complex analysis. Sage delivers precise insights and actionable intelligence in minutes, allowing you to focus on strategic decision-making and driving your organization forward.

Send an Email

Discover legislation, get answers, complete tasks. Start the conversation.

Sage Is On It

Once received, Sage swiftly researches and responds to your request.

Get More Done

The more you work with Sage, the better Sage will understand the legislation and policy that matters most to you — and how you want to work with it.

Frequently asked questions.

With Sage, navigating the intricate web of legislative landscapes has never been easier.

Why Sage by Seer?

At Seer, we empower businesses, organizations, and communities to navigate complex government landscapes. Sage is our hyper-focused AI-powered assistant that helps these groups to identify opportunities, influence outcomes, and lead markets.

What is Sage and how could it help me?

Sage is an AI-powered assistant that helps you navigate the complex legislative landscape. There are thousands of datasets that Sage analyzes to deliver the information you need in minutes. Just send Sage a job to complete and the results are delivered straight to your inbox. Just ask and Sage delivers.

What is a "job"?

A “job” is what you task or request Sage to deliver back to you.

How do I interact with Sage?

Just send an email. Sage meets you in your inbox. No need to learn a new system to get the results you want.

What are the different pricing packages?

View our pricing here. Sign up to start using Sage with a 14-day trial.

Do you offer additional plans for enterprises?

Yes, we can tailor Sage to meet your specific enterprise needs. Please reach out to us at to schedule a call with our team.

Simplify tasks

Tailored solutions for your every need.

Sage offers a customizable approach to navigating legislative challenges. Monitor specific bills, track regulatory changes, or generate comprehensive reports — all tailored to your unique requirements. With Sage's AI-powered assistance, you can drive results and maximize impact with ease.

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Get ahead

Effortless interaction, maximum impact.

Interacting with Sage is as simple as sending an email. No more navigating complex platforms or learning new systems. Sage meets you where you are, right in your inbox, ensuring a seamless user experience. Just send a request, sit back, and let Sage do the heavy lifting, delivering timely insights and valuable information directly to you.

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Flexible plans.

Transparent pricing and packages that make sense for everyone — from individual citizens to large enterprises.

3 jobs per month
Most Popular
6 jobs per month
Priority response
Priority support
Pro Plus
20 jobs per month
Priority response
Job scheduling
Dedicated support rep

Join the Sage waitlist.

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